

Getting a card

To obtain a Chester Library card, bring proof of residency and fill out a library registration form. Children under 14 will need a parent’s or guardian’s signature.
Residents of other Connecticut towns are welcome at Chester Library and will need to have their up-to-date hometown library card with them to borrow items.

Renewing a card

Chester Library cards are valid for three years from the month of issue.
Individuals wishing to renew their Chester Library cards will need to clear up any obligations to the library prior to receiving a new card.

Loan Periods

New Books and magazines are checked out for 2 weeks, all other books (both recorded and print), and CDs .
Movies are checked out for 1 week and may be renewed either online or by phone.
Museum passes are checked out for the day of use and must be returned the same day.
Passes may be returned to the book drop if the library has closed for the day.


Materials are renewed from the day of renewal for the same amount of time as the original loan. Materials will not be renewed if there is a waiting list for the item. Movies may be renewed only one time.

Renewals are possible in person at the library, via phone, or online at
To renew online, log in using the 14-digit barcode from the back of your library card as your username. The password is the last four digits of your phone number. 
Click the Log In, click Items Currently Checked Out, Select the items you wish to renew and Submit. Please call the library for assistance if you have difficulty with this process.

Returning Materials

All materials EXCEPT CDs and books containing CDs may be returned to the book drop outside the front door. CDs do break in the book return, so please bring them inside.

Generally, items borrowed from the Chester Library may be returned to another Connecticut public library for return to Chester by C-Car. However, Interlibrary Loan (ILL) materials MUST be returned only to Chester Library.


Reserves may be placed on items Chester Library owns or has on order, except for movies. Simply speak to a librarian about the item you want to reserve or place the reserve online at The library will call when your reserve is ready for you.

To place a reserve online, log in to your account on the website above, using the 14-digit barcode from the back of your library card as your username. Enter the password you have selected. If you have never selected a password, use userpass, without the italics.  Search for the item you want, making sure that Chester Library owns it. Click on the title of the book, bringing up a page of information about it. Click on Request this Item on the right-hand side of the page. Please call the library for assistance if you have difficulty with this process.

Overdue Fees

Fines on books (both print and recorded), magazines, and music CDs are $.10 per day, with a maximum fee of $5.00.
Fines on movies and museum passes are $1.00 per day, with a maximum fee of $5.00.
Fines may be paid in cash, or by check. Credit and debit cards are not accepted at this time.

Lost Items

If an item from Chester Library is lost or damaged, patrons will be charged list price for replacement.